Running tar task multiple times for different environments?

I have a problem where I need to create a tar file of properties files that have been filtered. I have the code below which works great for a single tar but I now need to produce multiple tar’s one per environment we support. Struggling to see the best way to do this?

task confTar(dependsOn:‘initConfig’, type:Tar){

def fileSuffix= “conf-${environment}”

archiveName = “asss_${version}.${svnRevision}-${fileSuffix}.tar”

from { “build/target/conf/${environment}”}


include “${version}.${svnRevision}-conf.txt”


into ‘conf’


createVersionFile(‘conf’, svnRevision)




} } task initConfig(type:Copy){

def filterProps


println(‘Doing filtering’)

filterProps= new Properties()

new File(“src/assembly/filters/${environment}”).withInputStream {

stream -> filterProps.load(stream)



from(‘src/assembly/conf’) {

include ‘**/*.properties’

include ‘**/*.xml’


from(‘src/assembly/conf’) {

include ‘**/*.template’


filter(ReplaceTokens, beginToken:’~’, endToken:’~’, tokens: filterProps)

rename (‘’,‘’)

rename (‘’,‘’)

rename (‘services_decoupled.xml.template’,‘services_decoupled.xml’)



from(“src/assembly/platforms/${platform}/conf”) {

include ‘**/*.template’


filter(ReplaceTokens, beginToken:’~’, endToken:’~’, tokens: filterProps)

rename (‘wrapper.conf.template’,‘wrapper.conf’)



into ‘build/target/conf/’+environment

includeEmptyDirs = false }

One of the benefits of having a programming language at your disposal is that you can use looping constructs…

["env1", "env2"].each { environment ->
   def enviromentCapitalized = environment.capitalize()
    task("conf${enviromentCapitalized}", dependsOn: "init${enviromentCapitalized}Config", type: Tar) {
    task("init${enviromentCapitalized}Config", type: Copy){
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Same thought came to me after I posted, thanks for the code example it help a lot. i now have this all working. Goodbye my Maven assembly xml files

Glad it’s working for you.