zipTree unable to overwrite temporary read-only files

Hi, environment debian linux 6.0, gradle 1.1 and 1.5 rc3 I’m building a release task similar to a fatJar. This is my task (the relevant part):

task fatJar(type: Jar) {
 from configurations.runtime.filter{
      it.path.matches(".*com\.amadego.*") // include only few internal jars
    }.collect {
     print("including ${it} (TODO:exclude META-INF/**)\n")
          from files(sourceSets.main.output.classesDir)
 classifier = 'fatJar'

I’m facing a strange (?) behaviour: If I run this task the first time it works, but the second time it doesn’t. Going through debugging I’ve spotted that there is a read-only property file that cannot be overwritten in the second run.

What is the proper way to manage this issue? Should I delete the temporary dir before every build? Shouldn’t it be done automatically at every build?

Thanks for your help!

It’s hard to say what’s going on, but the task declaration has some problems. In particular, it resolves the ‘runtime’ configuration in the configuration phase instead of the execution phase. Try this instead:

task fatJar(type: Jar) {
    from { configurations.runtime.filter {
         it.path.matches("...") // adapt as necessary (couldn't get this to display right in forums)
    }.collect {
    from sourceSets.main.output
    classifier = 'fatJar'

Thanks Peter, I will explain it better with a simple example.

Imagine that this is the layout of the project:


where the file “lib/” is a zip/jar/whatever compressed archive including a readonly file (in the example, it contains simply a file) and that at least one of the file inside the zip is a read only file.

This is the build.gradle:

apply plugin: "java"
  dependencies {
 runtime files("lib/")
  task fatJar(type: Jar) {
 from {
   configurations.runtime.filter {
  }.collect {
 from sourceSets.main.output
 classifier = 'fatJar'

Now, if you run “gradle fatJar”, gradle will expand the zip file in a temporary folder, and then compress it into the fat jar. Fine, it works as expected. This is the command output:

:processResources UP-TO-DATE

Now, for a second time, try to run “gradle fatJar”. This time the zip file will be expanded again OVER the previously extracted folder, but since the property file was read-only, gradle will fail complaining that:

:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:classes UP-TO-DATE
  FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
  * What went wrong:
Could not expand ZIP '/home/larzeni/.eclipseWorkspace/gradleReadOnlyTest/lib/'.
  * Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.

And if you go through using --debug option, the problem cause can be traced to:

org.gradle.api.GradleException: Could not copy zip entry /home/larzeni/.eclipseWorkspace/gradleReadOnlyTest/lib/! to '/home/larzeni/.eclipseWorkspace/gradleReadOnlyTest/build/tmp/expandedArchives/zipped_readonly_property_file.zip_67dpdot7v9plqhjmhvtlkg3gjd/'

That is, gradle cannot overwrite a zip that includes a read-only file. Obviously if you run gradle clean , the tmp/zip-expanded directory will be removed and the build will work fine again.

Possible solutions coud be: A) do not re-expand a zipped file which was already expanded if it’s not changed or, B) delete the temporary dir that contains the expanded zip after the build.

I hope now the problem is more understandable.

If you want, I’ve put the files for the example at the following link:

Thanks for your help!

Could someone answer for this because I’m facing the EXACT same problem? Simply put I want gradle to either skip complaining about not being able to overwrite the file or to clean up the temp area before trying to write. Either solution would be fine. I’m surprised this doesn’t come up more often.

Same issue here. Just upgraded to 1.9, thinking surely this would be fixed by now. Still same issue.

Raised GRADLE-2959. Meanwhile you should be able to work around with something like:

fatJar.doFirst {
    // assuming the following won't suffice:
    // delete "$buildDir/tmp/expandedArchives"
     exec "rm -rf $buildDir/tmp/expandedArchives"

We do want to fix this, it’s just a matter of finding the time as we’re very busy. Would you be interested in helping to fix this issue?

Hi Adam, I’m stuck at gradle 1.4 because I heavily customized the AspectJ plugin and I cannot update at later release of gradle. If you think that this can be fixed at release 1.4 and then ported to the 1.9 let me know, I wish I could give you back some for gradle… What can I do?

In my copy (unzip) task I added this

doLast {
                                                                                                                                                                                                             exec {
                                                                                                                                                                                                               commandLine = "chmod -R u+w $buildDir/tmp/expandedArchives".tokenize()